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Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Apr 07, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Ancients
Rules final release prior to LittleWars 2024!ApNSn4lPCCzog-l8Fh-YAnN-mSk2gw?e=Xl8ceK
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Mar 05, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Gunpowder
The 3-tab layout conforms to other db using 3-tab 4x6 index cards Other HCG db will be updated as time permits
HCG db ACW is updated to 3 tab layout with flags content media
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Mar 02, 2024
In Rules Hex Command Starships!ApNSn4lPCCzog7sx9ZG54M0rbWNnZA?e=VE2bNp
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Feb 27, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Ancients
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Feb 24, 2024
In War Gaming and Technology
Once the LifeCam's were determined to be failing, they are replaced BUT using OTG, one camera is hooked into the Android Tablet which is set to using AirDroid Cast to the main PC OBS program, where the image from the webcam software (ManyCam) is cropped to fit in OBS.
New Camera Paradigm (MS LifeCam fail) content media
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Feb 18, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Mechanized
Infantry and other similar items (or any foot-item such as PDW, mortars etc.) should be invisible when they are behind or in cover until they fire; an opponent cannot know for certain where an item is, so put down two markers (can be a 1” round disc) for each such item, say when it goes behind a hedge. When it fires, put an O-Ring color that is not already spoken for (e.g. white) on the stand of miniatures to show the item has revealed its location by firing and pick up the “fake” markers.  Be sure to wite the ID of the stand on the two markers (a is the miniature stand, b and c are the added stands) and which of them is the actual stand on the roster card. When a the real marker fires remove the fake markers. When the fake items are hit pretend to write down the hit on the roster card. However, one way to avoid all the “markers on the table” situation is don’t use fake markers: simply roll whenever a hiding stand is shot at to see if the casualties get applied.  Mark a hiding stand with the O-ring and when it becomes visible again remove the “hiding” marker. Rules are updated.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Feb 18, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
Update to section 2.g Energy Weapons cause SM and Stability Checks Note: If a mech suffers a SM hit from an energy weapon before armor has been reduced to zero, roll Code (red) to see if the SM hit actually applies.  Otherwise the hit applies to armor. All energy weapons like PPCs and lasers cause a target to check for System Management damage if a special hit (dot) is rolled when rolling for damage. If the weapon is greater than target weight Roll Code (red) to fail a piloting check to see if the mech a) CnC: falls over b) Color: changes facing in the hex or c) is Code is moved back one hex in weapon trajectory. if weapon is equal or less than target weight roll Code to see if the hit applies.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Jan 13, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Gunpowder
Alternate history to get away from slavery issue and thus continue to play ACW. HCG rules are updated. 1.a.1 Post-1837 (Jackson Administration) After the Mexican War (which Mexico still lost of course), the southern states abolish slavery on the condition that all slaves who wish to leave do so to Mexico.  1.a.2     The slaves in Mexico sign non-participant agreements for life in exchange for land and investments. 1.a.3     Those who remain become citizens of their states and sign non-aggressive pacts in exchange for land and autonomy.   Strangely enough they are not that enthusiastic about leaving for the Union because “it’s too damn cold.” 1.a.4     Mexico and Maximillian agree and thus, Mexico sees a huge economic surge and supports the Confederacy when it succeeds in 1861.  Thus, the Confederacy has an ally (now we can use Imex Mexican Infantry cavalry and artillery). 1.a.5     Then, Britain supports the Confederacy, then France supports the Union. Canada remains neutral but leans to support the Union. 1.a.6     British ships keep SOME Confederate ports open.  Now we can use 3-D printed ironclads for naval/port combats. 1.a.7     California and Arizona have huge arms increase and raise armies for their own defense, not necessarily in support of North and South states.  1.a.8     1859: Mexico begins to raise armies on the US border.  Central American Banana Republics start to raise their own armies. 1.a.9     Texas splits into east/west factions and has its own civil war which lasts for the entire US civil war timeline. 1.a.10     More breach-loading long range artillery arrives from England, some of which are captured by the U.S. but France also starts to make them for their allies. 1.a.11     The Gatling Gun is perfected but remains more like artillery and NOT dolled out to infantry regiments. 1.a.12     Nations sign pledges not to use the Gatling Gun, gas and other mass-destruction devices. 1.a.13     However, the invention of Smoke Rounds for artillery come online.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Jan 10, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Mechanized
The following update corrects an error in HCM rules. Damage Markers Color (Blue) = Defense hit. Place a Yellow or Armor marker.   Code (Red)= Movement hit place a Green or Movement marker.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Jan 10, 2024
In Rules Hex Comd Mechanized
Updated for Armor/Movement hit changes hcm.pdf(!ApNSn4lPCCzogtktQaylJidGqdxPOA?e=FjAhEk)
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Nov 18, 2023
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
The rules are updated for: 1. Use of colored straws placed on the mech posts to show reduction in weight class; red, blue 1 step down, yellow two steps and red three steps. 2. Saving Rolls: VL/L mechs roll two dice to save up two hits; Medium 3 dice and VH/H 4 dice. 3. Hits accumulate on each mech but (other than armor) don't take effect until the mech is reduced in weight class; i.e. once a Light mech is reduced to VL by suffering all its armor hits, any combat and move hits take effect e.g. if there are 4 move hits accumulated, upon weight class reduction the mech is reduced in speed 4 hexes. SM hits from energy weapons however take effect regardless of weight class changes (hence the reason for using them in the first place).
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Nov 15, 2023
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
E for or Energy Weapons Timer disc M for Movement/mech is stationary timer disc Shutdown icon shown on Timer disc Crouching icon disc Wp for weapons out timer disc!ApNSn4lPCCzogtwDZMlI58WJYmTrrw?e=OnSehc(!ApNSn4lPCCzogtwDZMlI58WJYmTrrw?e=OnSehc) Also a Round Turn Indicator with Objective markers template is in the folder Also note: The HCN roster card is updated with SAVE written just above the Armor indicator: this is to imply if players WANT to use a save die based on armor value for all hits suffered to a mech from each firer; e.g. 1-Cd means roll for each hit to save it on Code (red), CL (Color blue) or Cc (CnC star)
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Nov 14, 2023
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
It is true that the game is designed to not take long and thus, the hit location operation will have mechs being hit in Armor, Movement and Combat hits in order of probability regardless of their armor status or weight class status. One might say this essentially means mechs have NO armor and that the Armor hit location is just another way of spreading the damage (each armor hit reduces mech weight class by one e.g. medium to light), because a move hit can be sustained at the same time armor still exists in the target; shouldn't it be that nothing else can be affected until armor is completely gone? Short answer is yes, correct. One way of dealing with this is to say NOTHING else can be affected on the mech until ALL armor is gone. Once gone, only then can movement and combat be affected. During the die rolls to see which item is damaged, until armor is gone all other hits are misses; that is, misses for causing any damage: energy weapons will still do SM damage regardless of armor, or, if armor is still intact, roll for special hit (Code or Red) to see if an SM hit actually does anything. Another method is this: leave everything as is, but ONLY cause an effect when two of each item are sustained e.g. only when 2 hits to movement are caused does movement suffer one hex; only when 2 combat hits are sustained is one weapon out; only when 2 armor hits are sustained is weight class of the entire mech reduced by one e.g. medium to light and so on. Or try this: Don't reduce mech weight class when all armor is gone; just leave it the weight it started with and whenever a Defense hit when all armor is gone, roll a CnC die: Blue, move hit; Red, Combat hit; CnC SM hit. Note that we still have not concluded that "shields" can exist. If the do, these will simply be saving rolls done by the target owner. This gives the target owner something to do while the opponent is conducting their activation.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Nov 06, 2023
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
• All reference to table roster is removed as data sheets for each mech only needed as reference. • Hit location on the mech no longer needed (feedback from cons... no one cares where the weapon is mounted anymore, just what it is) • to-hit by energy weapons clarified • O-ring use clarified
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Nov 05, 2023
In Rules Hex Comd NOVA
Feedback from RockCon resulted in a changes to Hex Command NOVA: • New roster card on iimm website: "attleTech" style weapons list/hit locations table seen as not necessary. • Ground Vehicle List removed from Mech card as unnecessary clutter if there are no ground vehicles in game. • At non-home venues (e.g. conventions), players want to use only Mechs, not infantry/ground vehicles.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Sep 01, 2023
In Rules Hex Command Starships
Space Station K-7 modified to be a realistic model on the game table; the actual model kit has hallways that are way too long. Greebles added. Starship configuration of the same hallways as the space station.   Hallway brackets being added. Summary 1. It is not necessary to have the floor of the hallways/rooms the same thickness as the matte board; it can be basic stiff cardstock. 2. In all cases glossy materials to be avoided; glues wont stick. 3. Wall graphics should be added before assembly. 4. Assembly can use UV light-activated glue instead of hot glue to hold corners and middles of parts together during assembly and so final gluing can be done. 5. Embellishments along floor/wall joins e.g. 3d printed floor trim should not be done; the runners should be graphics only; this way, doors can be added anywhere on the walls. 6. 3/16 inch foam core, white.  Matte board should be white, tan or other.  If black, issues may arise but once design/shape of facility is decided, consistency mandatory; do not start with foam core and mix matte board; use  matte board only. 7. Different elevations not necessary but the access to different elevations can be shown as either graphic or 3D printed e.g. stairs in a hallway lead to another room/hall on the game table even disconnected from the main structure just to show it. 8. Liquid white thick Elmers glue or Tacky Glue that dries solid can be used but test to see if it causes paper material to be affected e.g. warp during drying 9. Where foam core corners meet not necessary to cut 45o angle but it is helpful; Matte board 45o not necessary nor easy to do. 10. Hallway supports not necessary but look cool 11. Cutting doors in walls not recommended as it commits to where a door is located. 12. Main screen monitor in control room/bridge should be graphic not 3D printed object so it can be hidden/covered over with other graphics; also that wall may be another hallway door connection.
Starship/Space Station Model Lessons Learned content media
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Aug 30, 2023
In Rules Hex Command Starships
Source: 1.1         Technical Ramifications 1.1.1      Star Trek The use of battle lines, ramming tactics, and balanced short-range gun/missile attacks in Star Trek leads us to the following conclusions: ·         Anti-ship weaponry in Star Trek is not combat-effective at ranges exceeding ~10km, because battle lines form up at those ranges and cannot employ fleet firepower concentration without encirclement (also at that range). ·         Torpedoes and phasers can physically travel farther than that, but targeting difficulties can limit effective range even when theoretical range is very large. ·         Hulls, shields and structural forcefields are insufficient to nullify the effectiveness of ramming, because ramming attacks were so effective against undamaged, fully shielded Klingon warships in "Tears of the Prophets" (even when undertaken by miniscule 70m long ships). This suggests large disparities between Star Trek ships' ability to handle kinetic energy and electromagnetic energy. ·         Combat maneuverability of capital ships is high enough to permit Nelson-style tactics of maneuver (hence the flanking maneuvers attempted by Jem'Hadar ships), but not high enough to permit fighter plane tactics (hence their use of combat formations). ·         Based on the parallel use of phasers and photon torpedoes, the effective range of missiles seems to be far lower than their theoretical range. A likely explanation is that their limited AI and ECM (in addition to poor maneuverability) makes them easy to shoot down at long range, where the defenders have a lot of time to see them coming. 1.1.2      Star Wars The use of concentrated gunnery tactics in conjunction with fighter harassment in Star Wars leads us to the following conclusions: ·         Anti-ship weaponry in Star Wars is combat-effective at ranges of at least several hundred kilometres based on the unimportance of battle formations, even at long visual ranges such as those seen in ROTJ. This was demonstrated when the Rebel ion cannon engaged ISD's in the Battle of Hoth, and again when the DS2 superlaser engaged Rebel cruisers in the Battle of Endor. ·         Weapons based on turbolaser technology dominate the battlefield in Star Wars, with scalability ranging as low as a hand blaster and as high as the awesome planet-destroying Death Star superlaser. Torpedoes are relatively unimportant, and seem to serve only as starfighter weapons. ·         Starfighters, by virtue of their weak armament, cannot successfully attack capital ships without capship support. There is some apocryphal literature to support the opposite notion, but it originates entirely from the notoriously propagandistic New Republic descriptions of the exaggerated exploits of Wedge Antilles and his X-wing squadron. Canon support for this notion is nonexistent, and in the Battle of ROTJ, the fighters were used merely to "finish off" ships which have already been disabled by turbolaser cannonade, such as the Imperial communications ship and the Executor (also see the novelization, in which we heard Ackbar informing his bridge crew that "if we can knock out their shields, our fighters might stand a chance against them"- a far cry from the apocryphal nonsense of fighter squadrons pummeling the shields of warships).
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Aug 28, 2023
In Downloads and Art
Dont try to lay down the floor tile graphic as a large piece; it is very hard to put into a finished walled model room; two options: a. put the floor graphic down BEFORE you put up the walls b. if you made the room shape, put the floor graphic down in sections; trying to lay it down as one large piece say 4x4, 5x5 etc. is impossible because if you mess up the adhesive wont let you remove the art. DO IT BEFORE you put the walls on the hallway, the bridge, the mess hall, the sick bay etc.
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Aug 17, 2023
In Rules Hex Command Starships
The HCN database has been augmented with Starships Index Card layouts (individual ships at this time, not entire ship groups on one card.. yet) Note: due to navigation issues, it is not possible to jump down in the Index page to a designated location e.g. mechs, guns, ships, tanks etc. But, you can jump down to the Ship-layout portion of the HCN Vehicle DB
Veteran Visitor
Veteran Visitor
Aug 17, 2023
In Rules Hex Command Starships
A BAP version of Hex Command Starships called "Simple" is available.

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